

Benzinga Pro is a financial news and data platform that provides real-time alerts, insights, and analysis to help traders and investors make informed decisions.

87% Genius Score

Benzinga Facts

Pricing ModelSubscriber based
Free TrialYes
Free VersionNo

review new │ Benzinga Pro Review 2022

Having trouble keeping track of financial news and stock details as a financial trader? 

It can be tricky for traders and individuals alike if you don’t have the right tools to do it. A few options claim to make financial and stock tracking easier, though, and one of these platforms is Benzinga Pro

Your question right now may be, “Is Benzinga Pro the best financial tracking option for my requirements?

You’ll get the answer to this query in this Benzinga Pro Review. Stay with us until the end for a comprehensive look at the Benzinga Pro platform’s good and bad aspects.

Benzinga Pro – Best for tracking financial news
tracking financial news
Benzinga Pro makes reviewing and monitoring stocks and financial trading news effortless with a user-friendly dashboard. It’s number one for real-time streaming and watchlists, which you can use to monitor any minor changes in the financial industry.

pros and cons new │ What are this Platform’s Pros and Cons?

Later in this Benzinga Pro Review, we’ll talk about the crucial features of this platform, but let’s start by considering the platform’s pros and cons.

What are this Platform’s Pros?

The following three points are the standout advantages of using Benzinga Pro for tracking financial and stock news data.

tick new Real-time news data streaming function

The most avid financial traders and professionals can use Benzinga Pro’s real-time news streaming function to access the most up-to-date information on stocks and finance. With Benzinga Pro, traders don’t have to wait until the last minute to get the financial details they need. 

tick new Advanced feed for financial news

Another pro of the Benzinga Pro platform is its advanced feed for financial news. This feature lets users add pricing values as a filter, giving you the option to search for Nasdaq-listed stock within a specified price range and a market cap.

tick new Financial data analysis feature

Viewing insightful charts related to financial data analysis is also possible with the Benzinga Pro platform. The charts have various navigable tabs that provide more precise financial and stock-related information. You’ll easily learn more about it by reading this entire Benzinga Pro review.

What are this Platform’s Cons?

Here’s one negative aspect of the Benzinga Pro platform when selecting a financial news tracking tool.

cons new A limited basic version might not be sufficient for all

Avid day traders will not benefit from the basic version. You may need to invest in a more robust option with more features or upgrade to a more sophisticated Benzinga Pro version to track financial news more accurately.

To learn more about the Benzinga Pro platform’s features, keep reading this Benzinga Pro review.


Try Benzinga Pro: Discover the power of this financial tracking tool

Financial tracking couldn’t get easier with Benzinga Pro. Find out whether this tool is ideal for your financial tracking needs by looking at the platform’s features.

feature new │ Benzinga Pro Aspects

Benzinga Pro’s genius score is among the highest available because it has plenty of suitable features for financial traders. Here is a succinct list of those important features.

point new Use search query options to find financial data easily

What you’ll find when you use the Benzinga Pro platform is that there is a search query option to help you find financial data with ease. This search query option lets you type in keywords to search for stocks related to your query. For instance, you might type “takeover” to find relevant financial data related to this search.

point new Get the financial details you need from the details feature

When you navigate to the details feature, you’ll get a workspace that allows detailed financial analysis by using the various tabs. You’ve got a basic chart overview option, a calendar, a detailed chart option, and a financials feature, which provides financial overviews, earnings with particular dates, a more detailed chart pane for your financial information, balance sheets, and cash flow statements respectively.

point new Use the watchlist for easy securities monitoring

You can easily monitor and add more securities by using the watchlist feature of Benzinga Pro. For example, if your goal is to track a security’s percentage change, you can monitor the Change (%) column. If you want to add another security, just navigate to the watchlist option from the workspace tool and select the plus tab.

point new Chat with traders using the Benzinga Pro chatroom

Accessing the Benzinga Pro chatroom to chat with other traders works by giving you nine channels to access, including the Benzinga Pro community support tool, the “day trading” tool, the “crypto” tool, and six other channels. But remember that if you want to access the “inner circle” channel, you’ll have to subscribe to the mentorship option.


Look at Benzinga Pro’s features to learn more!

Try out Benzinga Pro and check out its watchlist, chatroom, detail, and query features to learn more about this handy financial tracking platform.

usability new │ Benzinga Pro Usability

Benzinga Pro’s dashboard has every feature you need to track financial stock activity easily. 

The dashboard’s features are easy to navigate. On its top-left pane, you can activate the squawk option to receive specific market activity updates. On the same left panel, you’ll notice the chat and news feature options; in just one click, you can access a chatroom to ask and answer queries or receive financial news with these features.

Within the financial news feature, you’ve got handy filter options to search more precisely for the news you’re looking for. Some of the options available include filtering by the importance of the news, financial news categories, sources, or watchlists.

For added ease of usability, you’ve got the option of using Benzinga Pro on various platforms. This is possible if you want to track stocks from your mobile or tablet, but you may find that the Benzinga Pro platform is easiest to use from a desktop.

An app accompanies the Benzinga Pro platform, which you can use from your mobile device. But, again, the desktop feature is considered best for financial traders.


Try Benzinga Pro now to find out how user-friendly it is!

The simplicity and ease of Benzinga Pro’s dashboard and panels makes this tool user-friendly and convenient. Find out how easily you can track financial trends and navigate between features by choosing Benzinga Pro.

pricing new │Pricing for Benzinga Pro

Just so you know, a free 14-day trial is available when you choose Benzinga Pro, but there are more comprehensive options. You can choose basic, essential, or mentorship subscriptions ranging from $27 per month to $347 per month. Check the table below for more details on the Benzinga Pro subscription options.

Price PlanWhat Is AvailableMonthly PriceMonthly Price on Yearly Plan
Free TrialA free trial for Benzinger Pro for 14 daysFree TrialFree Trial
BasicComplete news feed, chat option, alerts for watchlist, movers option, Nasdaq basic$27 Per Month$27 per month on yearly plan
EssentialExtra features include an advanced news feed, squawk option, scanner in real-time, calendar, Nasdaq basic$177 Per Month$177 per month on yearly plan
Options MentorshipExtra features include mentorship and education feature, inner circle chat room option, market overview option$347 Per Month$281 per month on yearly plan


Try out the Benzinga Pro financial tracking tool now!

With plenty of financial tracking options at good prices, Benzinga Pro is a top option if you need to check financial news, track Nasdaq listings, and get watchlist alerts. Try out Benzinga Pro now to find out its benefits.

support new │ What is the Quality of Benzinga Pro’s Support?

Benzinga Pro’s support team is efficient and answers your queries the moment you reach out to them. 

You’ll find a live chat option on the Benzinga Pro website. To use it, all you have to do is click the button at the bottom right of the platform, and you’ll be able to contact the team with your query. FAQs and a help center are available on the Benzinga Pro platform, and they have a search tab where you can look for answers to your queries by entering keywords or phrases.

conclusion new │ A Roundup of all Key Features

The genius score of Benzinga Pro says it all – if you need a financial stock monitor tool to track your financial securities, consider Benzinga Pro. With financial data analysis and advanced news feed features, this platform is comprehensive and will make financial tracking faster, easier, and more convenient.


Try Benzinga Pro now! 

Check out Benzinga Pro for all the handy financial tracking features and start monitoring your stock options without complications or hassle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Benzinga Pro users can filter news feeds by sources, importance, categories, sectors, and a few other options. Filter by sources to select which source you wish to view. Filter by importance and select low, medium, or high to determine which content is essential for you. Filter by categories to choose the financial category you wish to view. Filter by sector to select which financial sector you want to view.

As a Benzinga Pro user, you can export watchlists. Navigate to “SYMBOL” and select the three lines. Select “Export Watchlist to CSV” to export your watchlist.

You can import watchlists with Benzinga Pro without difficulty. Select the upward pointing arrow in the watchlist panel and select whether you want to add or replace tickers. Then select the file and choose “import”.

The Options Mentorship Plan includes various options including: tips and educative points from an experienced trader, Inner Circle access, webinar sessions access, and winning trade strategies from an experienced trader.


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