Fact-checking Steps

Our fact-checking process is essential to helping us deliver best-in-class content for SaaSGenius. From the wealth of experience our editorial team has, to using high-quality sources and the training we give writers. Read on to learn more about our fact-checking process.

At SaasGenius, we want to support businesses to make their SaaS pricing decisions. This starts with having accurate and timely pricing information. This is why fact-checking is so important to everything we do at SaaSGenius. 

Editorial Team 

Our in-house editorial team has extensive editorial experience and has developed a process to fact-check every article to ensure every article is factually correct.  To learn more, read our editorial principles.

Updated Content and Data  

Our in-house website management and editorial team regularly updates pricing, reviews and guides to give you the latest SaaS pricing information. We use first-hand testing, partnership information and high-quality data sources such as Staista to ensure data quality. 

In-House Training

It’s essential to be ahead in the ever-changing SaaS world, and our writers and content creators are specialists in SaaS. They are trained to fact-check every claim within their articles, so you know will get up-to-date information. 

The fact-checking steps writers take: 

  1. The writer researches review using first-hand testing and high-quality sources.
  2. They write the article and add sources to every claim
  3. They then submit the article to their line editor for approval
  4. The editor reviews each source and confirms if they are accurate. 
  5. If any claims are incorrect, the editor will send it back to be revised. 
  6. Once all claims have been approved, it is now ready to be published. 
  7. If the copy needs revisions, we repeat the above steps. 
