

Bluehost provides everything you need to launch a successful website, from domain names to quick and secure hosting. With over two million websites hosted, Bluehost has a proven track record of delivering fast and reliable service.




77% Genius Score

Bluehost Facts

Pricing modelPer License
Free TrialNo
Free VersionNo

Bluehost Web Hosting Overview

Suppose you’re planning on setting up a website. In that case, you’ll need a reliable web host to connect it to the internet. There are several factors that you’ll need to consider when choosing a hosting service provider, including security, usability, and other features, such as speed and uptime.

If you do a quick Google search for web hosting services, you’re sure to come across Bluehost. Bluehost is a well-known WordPress web hosting provider, and an approved WordPress preferred host. It is also referred to as one of the most beginner-friendly services on the market.

We reviewed Bluehost and found that it certainly lives up to its claims, which is why we’ve rated it so highly. If you’re considering Bluehost for your website, read our Bluehost web hosting review to determine whether it would be a good choice for getting your content to the rest of the world.

Pros and Cons

Before delving into the usability and features, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using this service provider.


  • Affordable – prices start at $4.95 per month
  • Lots of free features – including a free customizable theme, SSL certificate, domain, and more
  • Easy integration with WordPress – install it in just a few clicks
  • Allows you to monitor your site easily – integrated dashboard and analytics help you do this
  • Excellent security – thanks to secure servers


  • Only has servers in the US – site visitors outside the US could experience a slow site
  • Poor backup – the basic plan doesn’t have good backup options


When selecting a web hosting service, usability is one of the most crucial factors to consider. This becomes even more important if you’re new to web hosting since it can be pretty confusing. Bluehost is one of the most user-friendly web hosting services on the market, which is why we rated it so highly!

A Bluehost plan includes everything you’ll need to get started with WordPress. This includes automatic WordPress installation, a free domain name, a drag-and-drop website builder, and a step-by-step guide to help you set up your site with ease.

It has an easy-to-use interface and using goMobi, you can quickly and easily make your website mobile-friendly. Another feature that we loved is how easy integrating it with WordPress is. Once you’ve chosen a theme from the Bluehost Marketplace, it will install WordPress automatically, and all you’ll need to do is customize your site!  


Bluehost has a number of features to help you create and manage your website, earning it a high score for features in our books. We’ll explore some of the main use cases and features that you can expect in the section below.

  • Domain registration – Bluehost offers domain registration services that you’ll have to pay $10 to $15 for. Moreover, most users get a free domain name and SSL certificate when they sign up for a one-year plan
  • cPanel – this is a popular website management system and control panel
  • Data storage – you’ll get lots of space to store your website data, with storage space starting from 50GB 
  • Dashboard – you can find everything you need on one intuitive dashboard
  • Data transfer – Bluehost offers unmetered bandwidth – you’ll be given a certain amount of bandwidth but can send as much data as you like within that limit
  • High-performance servers – dual quad processors ensure high speeds and are efficient enough to keep even the largest sites running smoothly 

Support Quality

Another remarkable feature is Bluehost’s extensive and responsive customer care team. Customer assistance is essential for every web hosting service but choosing one that is both quick and efficient can be difficult.

Fortunately, Bluehost provides robust customer support, and most clients have reported that its service is helpful when they require help quickly. In fact, you can be connected to Bluehost’s live chat system in just five minutes.

Moreover, you don’t have to worry about time zones because its support base is accessible 24/7. Bluehost also provides phone or email assistance with varying wait times. Contact Bluehost by dialing 888-401-4678 or send an email to one of its offices.

Bluehost Web Hosting Pricing – What Does It Cost?

This Bluehost web hosting review wouldn’t be complete without looking at the pricing. Bluehost offers three plans that vary in price and functionality based on the traffic to your site. The Shared Hosting plan is for those starting their website or blog. 

Alternatively, you can opt for the VPS plan if you need more control or receive more traffic to your site. If you own a high-traffic site, you’ll need the Dedicated plan.

Here’s a summary of these plans:

Free trialNo
Shared HostingStarting from$4.95
VPSStarting from$18.99
DedicatedStarting from$79.99

Suppose you’re having trouble determining which plan is the best for your website. In that case, you can book a free consultation with a Bluehost representative! 


If you’re looking for a web host with excellent customer service, robust security, fast servers, and loads of features, Bluehost web hosting is the way to go. Moreover, it makes building a website much easier with an intuitive drag and drop website building tool.

You’ll also be able to integrate it easily with content management systems such as WordPress, Wix, and more! Moreover, users can also expect a host of free features, including a free domain name and customizable theme.

There’s also a wealth of resources on the website that you can use to build your website and explore Bluehost web hosting features. 

We were also impressed by its ease of use and customer service. Bluehost has made it incredibly easy for beginners to create stunning websites and get their content on the world wide web!

Therefore, we highly recommend giving Bluehost a try if you’re searching for a reliable, secure, and easy-to-use web hosting service!

Try Out Bluehost Web Hosting Now!

Now that you have read our Bluehost web hosting review and understand what this web hosting service can offer your website or blog, you can give it a try! Sign up for a plan today and enjoy everything Bluehost offers! 

If you need any assistance finding a plan that’s right for you, you can contact the company for a free consultation. 



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